San Ramon Divorce Lawyer

We are a family law review site enabling you to receive the following services in San Ramon, California

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Our areas of expertise

Child Custody

Child Support

Collaborative Family Law

Dissolution of Marriage



Child Custody

Child Support

Child Visitation

Collaborative Family Law

Contempt of Court


Dissolution of Marriage

Domestic Violence Restraining Orders

Enforcement of Orders

Ex-Parte Hearings

Legal Forms


Modification of Orders

Parenting Plans

Payment of Child Support

Payment of Spousal Support

Pre Nuptial Agreements


San Ramone Divorce Attorney

Need a San Ramon Divorce Lawyer?

With nearly 50 percent of all marriages ending in divorce, an argument could be made that you need a divorce attorney in San Ramon, California the moment you decide to get married.

Although most engaged couples will not likely consider it necessary, about one-half of all married couples will eventually have to ask (and answer) this question.

If you are contemplating divorce, you should consider hiring a San Ramon divorce lawyer.

Divorce is a legal process and while it is true that you do not have to hire a San Ramon divorce lawyer to navigate the process, a “self-litigated” divorce can be rife with loose ends and hurdles that you did not anticipate. Problems can arise well into the future that have the ability haunt your future relationships, money matters, tax and benefits issues, and even issues regarding children and other relatives.

These problem can end up costing you the time and money that you though you were saving by not hiring a san ramon divorce lawyer.

If you have a home or other real estate in San Ramon, then you will need to hire a divorce attorney to help determine legally what will become of the house. Do not leave this to a verbal or self-created written agreement between you and your soon-to-be-ex, even if your break-up is amicable. There are a plethora of rules and regulations concerning real estate transactions that your San Ramon divorce lawyer will be familiar with and up-to-date about.

San Ramone Divorce Attorney

Asset Division

Even if you do not own real estate, a divorce attorney in San Ramon can help you legally divide whatever assets you and your spouse own.

The attorney will help you formalize requirements for credit cards or automobile payments, insurance payments and other debts you have acquired since your marriage. And while it may seem easy to just “write something up” with your spouse, there are many laws in California regulating credit cards and other debts that could supersede the agreement you have with your spouse.

Hiring a divorce attorney in San Ramon ensures that the agreement reached during the divorce is legally sound and ironclad.

If you have children, you will need a San Ramon divorce lawyer to help sift through the custody and visitation requirements as well as for such things as health coverage, shared major expenses (and the procedures for that), college and other issues related to the children. This especially true if the marriage created a blended family or if one spouse wants to move far away or if there are concerns about parenting fitness.

San Ramon Divorce Lawyer

We are a family law review site enabling you to receive the following services in San Ramon, California